Southwest MI
Favorite Bike Shop
26 years old!


Our Service


We strive to get you the best quality work without breaking the budget. We'll go the extra mile on each repair to make sure your bike is perfect.

buy a bike

Rock 'n' Road is partnered with Giant, one of the largest bike manufacturers in the U.S. Order any bike and have it shipped and assembled, ready for pickup at Rock 'n' Road.


Water bottles, T-Shirts. Check out our online store for all this and more.

At Rock 'n' Road, We...

Strive to deliver service that is unmatched, and have been endeavoring towards this goal for over twenty years. Whether it be with our impeccable service or attention to detail, we promise to deliver products that keep you enjoying the great outdoors, and blazing trails through southwest Michigan.

Don't believe us? Just ask the community. Our bike store has been a cornerstone of South Haven, and the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance has named South Haven an Alliance approved trail town.

We also supply most all products through Giant, one of the largest market leaders of bikes and biking equipment in the U.S. So why wait? Come and visit us today!

Whether it's a rental, repairs, or a shiny new bike...

Our Shop has exactly what you need for summer.